Ear Acupuncture for Cancer Treatment Support
Ear acupuncture, also referred to as auricular acupuncture is a traditional therapy that dates back thousands of years. More recently, research has shown 5 specific points on the ear that are particularly effective for a number of health concerns, specifically certain side effects associated with cancer treatment, including stress; anxiety; grief/trauma; hot flushes; and sleep problems.
What to expect
At your first appointment we'll talk through the treatment and I'll ask you about your symptoms so that we can track the benefit you're getting from the treatment and monitor your progress.
The treatment involves 5 points on each ear and I use very fine, small needles, it only takes a minute to insert them and then you can lay back and relax. We have weighted blankets available if you like and we use a guided meditation to support your relaxation and treatment (if you prefer, we can just play relaxing music instead). Most people find it to be a very relaxing treatment, and often nod off!
The treatment is very safe and well researched. It's used in a large number of cancer treatment centres in the UK (NHS and charity centres) so it's a treatment you can trust. If you want to discuss treatment with your Oncology team prior to making an appointment please do so as it's likely they'll be aware of it and can provide guidance as required.
The evidence base
There are a number of studies that have been done into the effects of this particular acupuncture treatment for cancer patients and survivors. Recently, a 15 year study has been published which showed some great benefits for women with breast cancer who received treatment at an acupuncture centre within an NHS hospital. The link to the video below includes some testimony from prostate cancer patients who've benefited from the treatment.
15 year study into the effects of auricular acupuncture for breast cancer survivors
Video - NADA (Auricular) acupuncture for cancer treatment (from 6mins 19seconds in)
Needle free treatments
If you'd prefer a needle free treatment, ear seeds are the perfect choice and can be used instead of needles in our treatments. Ear seeds are tiny yet powerful studs that are placed on points according to your needs. They don't pierce the skin and sit over the points applying acupressure over a number of days. They're non invasive, risk free and are suitable for everyone.
If you have any questions about the treatment itself, please get in touch and if you'd like to try a needle free treatment please either contact us or make a note on the booking form when you book online.