Frequently Asked Questions
1 / What can I expect at my first appointment?
All our treatments include a consultation as part of your first appointment. The length of the consultation and the nature of the questions will vary depending on the treatment you've booked. We will ask questions to understand any existing health concerns and conditions so that we can treat you effectively.
Our treatments are usually carried out with you laid down on our comfortable treatment couch.
Please come in clothes you're comfortable in. For acupuncture, please wear comfortable loose clothing as we will need to access various points on your body. We provide towels and blankets if you'd like to undress to be more comfortable or for treatments that require access to the full back for example. Your privacy will be respected at all times.
Before your treatment please make sure you've eaten a little something. Other than that, just come ready to enjoy and relax!
2 / How does it feel?
A lot of patients worry about whether acupuncture is going to hurt. Be assured, the needles we use are really very fine, they are nothing like the needles you come across when having an injection or giving blood.
In most cases you won't feel the needle at all, if you do, it will just be an initial sensation on insertion and then it will disappear. During the treatment, patients sometimes report feeling tingling or a slight dull ache, this is just the needles working and isn't uncomfortable or unpleasant at all.
Most patients find the treatments very relaxing and you may even fall asleep.
3 / How many appointments will I need?
For general acupuncture, we usually recommend a course of 4 treatments ideally taken weekly after which we will assess progress and decide on an appropriate treatment schedule.
For cosmetic facial acupuncture, you will see the most lasting benefit from weekly treatments for an initial 8 week period. However, many patients prefer to come monthly and still see great results. Much depends on what you're hoping to achieve and how well you respond to the treatment and we will discuss the best approach for you at your initial appointment.
For fertility and menstrual health, I like to work with patients over 3 monthly cycles to ensure we achieve the best results for you. It can take time due to the cyclical nature of the menstrual cycle so for fertility, the sooner you start working with an acupuncturist, the better the outcomes you can expect to see.
In all cases, you should feel some initial benefit after your first treatment but everyone responds differently and much depends on the nature of your condition. More significant and long lasting changes usually require a course of treatment.
4 / Are there any risks or side effects?
Evidence shows that acupuncture is a very safe therapy with few side effects. We use single-use, sterile, disposable needles in the clinic and follow the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) codes and standards in relation to safe practice and conduct.
Like any therapy or medication, there are possible risks and adverse effects to be aware of. The most common is bruising (around 3% of treatments), there's also a risk of feeling faint or dizzy (0.3% of treatments) which is why we ask that you eat at least an hour or so before your appointment.
I have trained to the highest level within the UK and undertaken numerous post graduate courses and specialist professional development training. I'm registered with the BAcC which is the only regulatory body for acupuncture to be recognised by the Professional Standards Agency which gives you assurance that I adhere to the highest standards of professional care.